Some interesting facts:

1.  Doctors Hill was named after a Dr Rockett.

2.  16 Grey Street was owned by a Chiropractor named "Horner".

3.  63 Duke Street original surgery - extra consulting room was added in 1938 - 39 and was lived in by Drs Chester, Frost, Aberdeen, Holland and Smyth.

4.  Parker Street was lived in by Dr Reynolds, Dr Wilson, Drs Spencer. Then the break-in's got the better of them...

5.  Surgery was moved across the road to 16 Grey Street in the 1960's. It's had a few renovations since then, the most recent being about 4 years ago in 2010.

Nurse Hellwigs Hospital, Duke Street, Northam.
Apparently there were quite a few home style hospitals where midwives delivered babies, with doctors being called in at various times.
The house is still standing, has been a private residence for some time.
On the vacant block in front of the picture is where Coventry's is now located.

63 Duke Street: Front Door 63 Duke Street: Side Verandah

63 Duke Street: Rear ViewC 1960

Dr Alfred Frost: 1913 - 1921


Married - Gertrude, 1905.

Started work in May Street , Northam in 1908.

Owned a farm that is recorded as being sold to T.HINKLEY in 1920.

Had a daughter Gladys in 1908 - 09. In 2008 - 09, Dr Frost's niece Betty came to Northam and delivered Glady's christening gown to the Northam Historical Society which had been sewn for her by the Nun's in Northam (this gown which is pictured below can be viewed at Morby Cottage which is located on Katrine Road Northam). For these history pages, Gladys also gave us a copy of a note with Dr Frost's name on it and various information pertaining to the practice. Dr Frost wrote amazing "poetry" in the style of Ogden Nash and some of his poetry appears on this note. The copy pictured at the bottom of this page isn't terribly clear and she typed out for us what portion could be read on the original.

'Uncle Alfred' practiced medicine into his 80's, though with reduced hours.

He died in 1970 at South Perth at the age of 93.


Tis midnight and the setting sun
Is slowly rising in the west.
The rapid rivers slowly run
The frog is on his downy nest

The pensive goat and the sportive cow
Hilarious leap from bough to bough
In the nice, new well
That the plumber built her,

Aunt Lobistra (?) fell,
We must get a filter.
I write my verses in the dark,
And do not have to think,

 I make my fingers chase the pen,
And the pen chase the ink.
There was an old man in Thermopylae,
Who never did anything properly . . . .

(The completion of this little limerick was probably on the next page)


A hand written note by Dr Frost
Glady's Christening gown with Morby Cottage back drop.

Northam and Districts Historical Society Inc © 2010